Current Research Projects
- Application of Dueling Networks to UAV (Supported by US Air Force).
We will apply the dueling networks to UAV's path from the origin to
the target. On the path there are some obstacles and they have to
learn how to navigate the shortest path between them.
- Navy Oil Analysis and Lubricants Programs, Statistics and Data Analytics Studies (Supported by Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)).
We will use machine learning models to develop techniques to characterize the mechanical condition of fleet aircraft and development of wear metal results limits.
- Classification of Incomplete Networks (Supported by ONI via NRP).
The rise of accessible
real-world data creates a growing interest in effective methods for
accurate network classification, especially for networks with
incomplete information. The intelligence community requires an
understanding of a network before the team can develop a strategy to
combat the adversary. Problems are typically time-sensitive;
however, gathering complete and actionable intelligence is a
challenging mission. An adversary’s actions are secretive in
nature. Crucial information is deliberately concealed. Intentionally
dubious information creates problematic noise. Therefore, if an
observed incomplete network can be classified as-is without delay,
the network can be properly analyzed for a strategy to be devised
and acted upon earlier. This project considers a method for
classification of incomplete networks. We examine the effects of
training the classification model with complete and incomplete
information. Observed network data and their graph features are
classified into technological, social, information, and biological
categories using supervised learning methods.
- Inference on Missing Information on a Social Network (Supported by N1 via NRP).
Networks and graphs have long
been a subject of study, but with an explosion in the amount of
available data to describe them, machine learning (ML) methods have
become a popular compliment to traditional network analysis
techniques. This is particularly true when the challenge of
uncertainty enters the picture, but can be overcome with the
application of ML methods with large amounts of data. Understanding
a social network between workers can be used for modeling social
relationship factorial analysis to preventing ore reducing
harassments among them. In order to analyze as accurate as
possible, it is important to have an accurate social network which a
model will be based on and we assume that the observed social
network is built with a complete information. However, often a
victim of a sexual harassment or a work harassment never report
their relations with their attackers. In a reality an observed
social network is very often build with missing information.
We propose here to infer connectedness of the social networks in a
community within the Navy from a missing information. After correctly
selecting a model to infer missing part of the social network we will
analyze strength of relationships between workers. In this social
network we set workers in a group as nodes and we draw edge between
nodes if they have some social interaction between them. By this way
we can construct several social networks, like communication networks.
Then based on the social network we reconstruct we will conduct
logistic regressions to see which factors contributing to each
- Principal Component Analysis over tree spaces and its applications to phylogenomics (Supported by NSF).
Phylogenomics is a relatively new field that seeks to understand
evolutionary relationships between organisms at the scale of the whole
genome. One of the central questions in evolutionary biology is a
better understanding of the relationships between organisms, usually
summarized in the form of a phylogenetic tree. The methods in common
use for developing these trees tend to work best for closely related
organisms, and when the sequences are relatively short; for example,
the DNA sequence for a single gene applied to a collection of
mammals. When comparing more distantly related organisms, or data from
large portions of the genome, current techniques can break down. Since
modern technology can quickly and cheaply produce genome-scale
sequence data, there is a pressing need for better analytical tools
tailored to this large-scale high-dimensional data. The most popular
statistical methods for finding general patterns in large-scale data,
such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), make the assumption that
the space where the data lies is flat, like the plane geometry of
Euclid. However, the space of possible phylogenetic trees has a
decidedly non-Euclidean geometry, with a surface more akin to an
origami figure made with a sheet of rubber. The goal of this project
is to develop alternative types of principal components, and methods
to calculate them, which take into account the unusual structural
features of the mathematical space of phylogenetic trees.
- Developing tropical support vector machines over the tropical
projective space and treespaces.